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1、手机APP控制, 遥控距离远, 操作人性化;
2、支持路由模式以及局域网连接模式, 适用于多种场合, 满足客户不同的需求;
4、亮度可调, RGB通道顺序可调, 内置180种花样效果和8种可调颜色效果, 炫丽灵动;
5、可选择手机图片进行预览或保存, ***多可保存12个录制效果, 让定制更随心所欲;
6、可调节段数和点数, ***多可驱动多达2048个像素点;
7、DC5~24V宽电压输入, 电源具有防反接功能;


二、手机APP: (本控制器由手机APP进行控制,支持IOS和安卓系统)

• 苹果手机需要IOS10.0或更高版本;
• 安卓手机需要Android 4.4或者高版本;
• 可在App Store、Google Play、应用宝搜索“LedShop”找到APP, 或者扫描相应二维码下载安装:


产品认证:CE, RoHS;


• 路由模式(AP): 此模式下, 手机与控制器直接连接, 此时控制器相当于一个连接热点。在控制器未连接上任何WIFI网络的情况下, 控制器上电后等待20s后会自动切换为AP模式, 用户首先需要在手机WIFI设置页面找到设备名为SP108E_xxx的无线热点, 然后进行连接,密码默认为12345678, 连接成功后进入APP即可开始控制;
• 局域网连接模式(STA)模式: 此模式下, 手机与控制器同时处于同一局域网内, 在局域网内的用户可以随时对其进行控制。在控制器未连接上任何WIFI网络的情况下, 上电后20秒内处于等待配网状态, 如果需要将控制器加入无线网, 首先确保手机已经连上WIFI网络, 进入APP点击添加设备按钮, 输入当前WIFI密码, 点击确认按钮后等待配网完成。选中相应控制器, 点击移除设备, 可将控制器移出当前网络。


SP108EWIFI LED Controller OperatingInstructions


  1. Long distance APP remote control viva WIFI;
  2. Support routing mode(AP) and LAN connection mode(STA), suitable for a variety of occasions to meet the different needs;
  3. Support almost every kind of one-wire or two-wire LED driver IC ;
  4. Brightness adjustable, With 180 kinds of patterns and 8 kind of color adjustable patterns;
  5. Creatively usingfrom-image-to-effect method for user toDIYany effect;
  6. Support setting pixel number and segments number, able to control up to 2048pixels;
  7. DC5V~24V widerangeworking voltage, preventing reverse connection of power supply;
  8. User setting saving;
  9. App control:

Both IOS version and Android OS version are available. (hardware should supportWIFI)
> RequiresIOS version 10.0 or later;
> Requires AndroidOSversion 4.4or later;
> Search”LedShop”in App Store or Google pay or scan this QR code to download and install the App:


Working temperature : -20℃~60℃;
Working Voltage : DC5V~24V;
Working Current :20mA~130mA;
Remote distance :30 Meters;
Product size : 85mm45mm22mm;
Product weight : 40g ;
Certificates : CE, RoHS;

The SP108E support WS2812B and WS2813, but there is no options on setting page, pleasechoose WS2811 if connect it to WS2813 or WSD2815 digtal LED strips, It can’t support SMD5050 or SMD3535 ordinary RGB LED strips with no ICs.

Working Mode and Connecting:

AP(Access Point) mode:Controller and Phone connect directly, controller works as an access point. When the device is not connected to any WIFI network, power on the controller and wait for 20s and the controller will switch intoAP mode,in the WIFI setting page,find and connect the controller(named likeSP108E_xxx, the default pin code is 12345678),open the LED Shop App ,then the controller will be showed on the device list;

STA(Station) mode:Controller and phone are in one same WIFI network, in this network, users can operate the controller smoothly.When the device is not connected to any WIFI network, make sure that your phone is connected to a WIFI network, power on the controller,controller will be remainWait-For-Connet mode for 20 seconds, pressing the Add Device button, input the WIFI pin code, then press theOKto confirm and wait for the configure processing finish. User can select the controller and remove it out of the network by pressing theRemove Device button,then the controller will switch into AP mode.

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